Tuesday, May 2, 2023

Steps to install PyTorch on VMware workstation (Ubuntu guest)

 The following is the list of steps to install pytorch 2.0 in VMware workstation (Ubuntu guest):

$ mkdir ~/pytorch

$ mkdir ~/pytorch/assets

$ cd ~/pytorch/

$ python -m venv pytorch


Above gave error as venv was not installed, so ran:

$ sudo apt install python3.10-venv


again run:

$ python -m venv pytorch

$ source pytorch/bin/activate


Upon running the above command the prompt will change to:

(pytorch) $


Now run the following (use the current versions at your time):

(pytorch) $ pip install torch==2.0.0+cpu -f https://download.pytorch.org/whl/torch_stable.html


You may need to change the html link given above if some error occurs

Steps to install PyTorch on VMware workstation (Ubuntu guest)

  The following is the list of steps to install pytorch 2.0 in VMware workstation (Ubuntu guest): $ mkdir ~/pytorch $ mkdir ~/pytorch/as...